Location Details

Metro Area Flint, MI

Cities 17 Counties 1 Zip Codes 36



Census 2010: 442,879
Estimated: 444,781
Growth: 0.43%
White 343,871 73.40%
Black 94,362 20.14%
Hispanic 13,418 2.86%
Indian 6,497 1.39%
Asian 5,580 1.19%
Other 4,417 0.94%
Hawaiian 365 0.08%

Gender and Age

Females 228,890 51.68%
Males 213,989 48.32%

Median age 27.31
Median age for females 28.15
Median age for males 26.48


Total households 175,209
Persons per household 1.720833
Income per household $30,283.31

Top Data By Cities

View all Cities data

Most Populated

Flint MI 161,131
Grand Blanc MI 51,158
Fenton MI 38,036
Davison MI 33,979
Burton MI 27,357
Flushing MI 26,620
Swartz Creek MI 22,615
Clio MI 22,491
Mount Morris MI 20,679
Linden MI 15,206

Least Populated

Lennon MI 3,027
Gaines MI 3,490
Otisville MI 4,268
Goodrich MI 6,738
Montrose MI 7,986
Linden MI 15,206
Mount Morris MI 20,679
Clio MI 22,491
Swartz Creek MI 22,615
Flushing MI 26,620

Younger Crowd

Flint MI 35.10
Mount Morris MI 38.10
Grand Blanc MI 38.30
Davison MI 39.00
Burton MI 39.13
Linden MI 39.90
Montrose MI 40.10
Atlas MI 40.70
Fenton MI 41.00
Lennon MI 41.00

Older Crowd

Genesee MI 46.70
Otisville MI 45.00
Flushing MI 44.00
Swartz Creek MI 41.90
Clio MI 41.80
Goodrich MI 41.60
Gaines MI 41.10
Fenton MI 41.00
Lennon MI 41.00
Atlas MI 40.70

Highest Income

Goodrich MI $72,983.00
Gaines MI $66,667.00
Linden MI $61,649.00
Grand Blanc MI $60,980.00
Fenton MI $60,463.00
Flushing MI $55,915.00
Swartz Creek MI $55,109.00
Otisville MI $50,287.00
Lennon MI $48,459.00
Montrose MI $47,692.00

Lowest Income

Flint MI $30,567.57
Mount Morris MI $35,736.00
Genesee MI $36,971.00
Burton MI $43,547.33
Davison MI $45,568.00
Clio MI $47,105.00
Montrose MI $47,692.00
Lennon MI $48,459.00
Otisville MI $50,287.00
Swartz Creek MI $55,109.00

Top Data By Zip Codes

View all Zip Codes data

Most Populated

48439 51,158
48430 38,036
48423 33,979
48504 31,249
48507 31,098
48506 29,401
48433 26,620
48503 24,700
48505 24,383
48473 22,615

Least Populated

48502 395
48449 3,027
48436 3,490
48463 4,268
48438 6,738
48519 7,849
48457 7,986
48509 9,507
48529 10,001
48451 15,206


48519 4%
48423 3%
48430 3%
48439 3%
48451 2%
48532 2%
48504 1%
48420 1%
48507 1%
48509 0%


48502 -194%
48463 -8%
48436 -7%
48505 -5%
48457 -5%
48449 -3%
48438 -3%
48506 -2%
48529 -2%
48503 -1%

Younger Crowd

48502 29.60
48504 33.20
48505 33.50
48529 33.90
48507 35.50
48506 36.10
48503 36.90
48458 38.10
48439 38.30
48423 39.00

Older Crowd

48463 45.00
48433 44.00
48509 42.80
48473 41.90
48420 41.80
48438 41.60
48436 41.10
48449 41.00
48430 41.00
48532 40.90

Highest Income

48438 $72,983.00
48436 $66,667.00
48451 $61,649.00
48439 $60,980.00
48430 $60,463.00
48433 $55,915.00
48473 $55,109.00
48509 $51,708.00
48463 $50,287.00
48449 $48,459.00

Lowest Income

48502 $20,536.00
48505 $22,146.00
48503 $29,455.00
48504 $30,835.00
48506 $33,163.00
48529 $35,311.00
48458 $35,736.00
48437 $36,971.00
48507 $37,490.00
48532 $40,348.00

Time Zone

Time zone(s) Eastern Time Zone (US and Canada), EST. GMT-5
Day light saving Yes

Area Codes