Location Details

Metro Area Macon, GA

Cities 15 Counties 5 Zip Codes 35



Census 2010: 225,462
Estimated: 223,883
Growth: -0.71%
White 118,001 50.40%
Black 102,518 43.79%
Hispanic 5,400 2.31%
Asian 3,654 1.56%
Other 2,868 1.23%
Indian 1,399 0.60%
Hawaiian 280 0.12%

Gender and Age

Females 117,760 52.23%
Males 107,702 47.77%

Median age 23.46
Median age for females 23.99
Median age for males 22.87


Total households 86,408
Persons per household 1.470571
Income per household $21,447.74

Top Data By Cities

View all Cities data

Most Populated

Macon GA 171,458
Forsyth GA 13,780
Gray GA 12,715
Lizella GA 8,670
Juliette GA 3,484
Roberta GA 2,557
Jeffersonville GA 2,148
Dry Branch GA 2,069
Danville GA 1,865
Haddock GA 1,780

Least Populated

Younger Crowd

Macon GA 34.22
Gray GA 38.40
Forsyth GA 39.10
Knoxville GA 40.00
Haddock GA 40.20
Roberta GA 41.30
Juliette GA 42.60
Lizella GA 43.90
Culloden GA 44.50
Danville GA 44.80

Older Crowd

Highest Income

Juliette GA $51,019.00
Lizella GA $47,594.00
Gray GA $46,343.00
Musella GA $43,000.00
Knoxville GA $41,367.00
Forsyth GA $38,620.00
Macon GA $37,712.63
Dry Branch GA $32,625.00
Haddock GA $30,536.00
Jeffersonville GA $30,191.00

Lowest Income

Roberta GA $28,162.00
Culloden GA $29,648.00
Danville GA $29,865.00
Jeffersonville GA $30,191.00
Haddock GA $30,536.00
Dry Branch GA $32,625.00
Macon GA $37,712.63
Forsyth GA $38,620.00
Knoxville GA $41,367.00
Musella GA $43,000.00

Top Data By Zip Codes

View all Zip Codes data

Most Populated

31210 33,985
31204 31,952
31206 30,780
31217 19,349
31211 16,934
31216 16,335
31220 14,351
31029 13,780
31032 12,715
31052 8,670

Least Populated

31050 819
31066 969
31016 1,569
31033 1,780
31017 1,865
31020 2,069
31044 2,148
31078 2,557
31046 3,484
31201 7,772


31210 8%
31206 5%
31217 4%
31046 4%
31016 3%
31211 3%
31220 3%
31204 1%
31216 1%
31052 0%


31033 -49%
31078 -39%
31044 -35%
31020 -22%
31066 -18%
31029 -18%
31050 -17%
31201 -12%
31032 -10%
31017 -6%

Younger Crowd

31206 30.30
31201 32.50
31204 36.20
31217 36.60
31211 37.40
31210 37.80
31220 37.80
31032 38.40
31029 39.10
31216 39.80

Older Crowd

31066 47.30
31044 46.20
31020 44.90
31017 44.80
31016 44.50
31052 43.90
31046 42.60
31078 41.30
31033 40.20
31050 40.00

Highest Income

31220 $57,013.00
31210 $56,657.00
31216 $51,905.00
31046 $51,019.00
31052 $47,594.00
31032 $46,343.00
31066 $43,000.00
31050 $41,367.00
31211 $39,638.00
31029 $38,620.00

Lowest Income

31201 $13,944.00
31206 $25,494.00
31204 $28,118.00
31078 $28,162.00
31217 $28,932.00
31016 $29,648.00
31017 $29,865.00
31044 $30,191.00
31033 $30,536.00
31020 $32,625.00

Time Zone

Time zone(s) Eastern Time Zone (US and Canada), EST. GMT-5
Day light saving Yes

Area Codes