Location Details

Metro Area Brunswick, GA

Cities 13 Counties 3 Zip Codes 17



Census 2010: 109,849
Estimated: 107,713
Growth: -1.98%
White 79,248 67.48%
Black 27,197 23.16%
Hispanic 5,606 4.77%
Other 2,901 2.47%
Asian 1,330 1.13%
Indian 940 0.80%
Hawaiian 209 0.18%

Gender and Age

Females 57,075 51.96%
Males 52,774 48.04%

Median age 36.82
Median age for females 37.08
Median age for males 36.52


Total households 43,663
Persons per household 1.998235
Income per household $27,304.35

Top Data By Cities

View all Cities data

Most Populated

Least Populated

Highest Income

Saint Simons Island GA $61,005.00
Jekyll Island GA $58,056.00
Meridian GA $47,292.00
Brunswick GA $36,080.67
Hortense GA $33,068.00
Townsend GA $31,696.00
Waynesville GA $31,161.00
Darien GA $29,824.00
Hoboken GA $29,009.00
Nahunta GA $27,696.00

Lowest Income

Sapelo Island GA $7,125.00
Nahunta GA $27,696.00
Hoboken GA $29,009.00
Darien GA $29,824.00
Waynesville GA $31,161.00
Townsend GA $31,696.00
Hortense GA $33,068.00
Brunswick GA $36,080.67
Meridian GA $47,292.00
Jekyll Island GA $58,056.00

Top Data By Zip Codes

View all Zip Codes data

Most Populated

31525 29,151
31520 22,352
31522 19,365
31523 14,049
31331 5,123
31543 4,732
31553 4,205
31566 2,934
31305 2,291
31542 2,250

Least Populated

31527 1,261
31542 2,250
31305 2,291
31566 2,934
31553 4,205
31543 4,732
31331 5,123
31523 14,049
31522 19,365
31520 22,352


31527 36%
31522 25%
31523 5%
31525 3%
31520 0%
31543 -1%
31566 -18%
31553 -24%
31542 -24%
31331 -53%


31305 -161%
31331 -53%
31542 -24%
31553 -24%
31566 -18%
31543 -1%
31520 0%
31525 3%
31523 5%
31522 25%

Younger Crowd

31520 34.20
31525 35.30
31566 36.70
31553 37.40
31543 38.30
31542 38.50
31523 39.60
31305 42.20
31331 46.10
31522 51.90

Older Crowd

31527 66.00
31522 51.90
31331 46.10
31305 42.20
31523 39.60
31542 38.50
31543 38.30
31553 37.40
31566 36.70
31525 35.30

Highest Income

31522 $61,005.00
31527 $58,056.00
31319 $47,292.00
31523 $45,091.00
31525 $39,253.00
31543 $33,068.00
31331 $31,696.00
31566 $31,161.00
31305 $29,824.00
31542 $29,009.00

Lowest Income

31327 $7,125.00
31520 $23,898.00
31553 $27,696.00
31542 $29,009.00
31305 $29,824.00
31566 $31,161.00
31331 $31,696.00
31543 $33,068.00
31525 $39,253.00
31523 $45,091.00

Time Zone

Time zone(s) Eastern Time Zone (US and Canada), EST. GMT-5
Day light saving Yes

Area Codes