Location Details

Metro Area Brevard, NC

Cities 8 Counties 1 Zip Codes 8



Census 2010: 33,179
Estimated: 30,894
Growth: -7.40%
White 31,170 89.68%
Black 1,545 4.45%
Hispanic 986 2.84%
Other 478 1.38%
Indian 322 0.93%
Asian 216 0.62%
Hawaiian 39 0.11%

Gender and Age

Females 17,182 51.79%
Males 15,997 48.21%

Median age 47.64
Median age for females 48.70
Median age for males 46.40


Total households 14,463
Persons per household 2.311250
Income per household $38,427.75

Top Data By Cities

View all Cities data

Younger Crowd

Older Crowd

Highest Income

Sapphire NC $54,250.00
Penrose NC $42,642.00
Pisgah Forest NC $42,449.00
Cedar Mountain NC $41,094.00
Lake Toxaway NC $39,152.00
Brevard NC $37,978.00
Rosman NC $27,857.00
Balsam Grove NC $22,000.00

Lowest Income

Balsam Grove NC $22,000.00
Rosman NC $27,857.00
Brevard NC $37,978.00
Lake Toxaway NC $39,152.00
Cedar Mountain NC $41,094.00
Pisgah Forest NC $42,449.00
Penrose NC $42,642.00
Sapphire NC $54,250.00

Top Data By Zip Codes

View all Zip Codes data

Most Populated

28712 17,580
28768 5,731
28747 2,737
28774 1,922
28766 1,033
28772 962
28708 470
28718 459

Least Populated

28718 459
28708 470
28772 962
28766 1,033
28774 1,922
28747 2,737
28768 5,731
28712 17,580


28774 47%
28747 19%
28712 -10%
28768 -18%
28718 -20%
28766 -22%
28772 -28%
28708 -60%


28708 -60%
28772 -28%
28766 -22%
28718 -20%
28768 -18%
28712 -10%
28747 19%
28774 47%

Younger Crowd

28708 41.60
28766 42.10
28772 45.40
28747 46.30
28718 49.20
28712 49.70
28768 50.00
28774 56.80

Older Crowd

28774 56.80
28768 50.00
28712 49.70
28718 49.20
28747 46.30
28772 45.40
28766 42.10
28708 41.60

Highest Income

28774 $54,250.00
28766 $42,642.00
28768 $42,449.00
28718 $41,094.00
28747 $39,152.00
28712 $37,978.00
28772 $27,857.00
28708 $22,000.00

Lowest Income

28708 $22,000.00
28772 $27,857.00
28712 $37,978.00
28747 $39,152.00
28718 $41,094.00
28768 $42,449.00
28766 $42,642.00
28774 $54,250.00

Time Zone

Time zone(s) Eastern Time Zone (US and Canada), EST. GMT-5
Day light saving Yes

Area Codes