County Sagadahoc State Maine(ME)

Cities 9 Zip Codes 9



Census 2010: 35,281
Estimated: 35,125
Growth: -0.44%
White 34,515 94.98%
Hispanic 453 1.25%
Black 450 1.24%
Asian 407 1.12%
Indian 354 0.97%
Other 130 0.36%
Hawaiian 30 0.08%

Gender and Age

Females 18,198 51.58%
Males 17,083 48.42%

Median age 44.83
Median age for females 45.49
Median age for males 44.10


Total households 15,082
Persons per household 2.372500
Income per household $43,334.50

Top Data By Zip Codes

View all Zip Codes data

Most Populated

04530 10,938
04086 9,024
04357 3,405
04287 2,885
04008 2,857

Least Populated

04548 965
04562 2,311
04579 2,740
04008 2,857
04287 2,885


04008 4%
04562 4%
04086 2%
04530 1%
04357 0%


04579 -12%
04287 -11%
04548 -7%
04357 0%
04530 1%

Younger Crowd

04287 40.10
04357 42.00
04530 43.20
04008 44.10
04579 44.60

Older Crowd

04562 49.80
04548 49.60
04086 45.20
04579 44.60
04008 44.10

Highest Income

04548 $47,813.00
04086 $47,682.00
04562 $46,739.00
04008 $44,779.00
04287 $42,688.00

Lowest Income

04357 $36,654.00
04530 $38,679.00
04579 $41,642.00
04287 $42,688.00
04008 $44,779.00

Time Zone

Time zone(s) Eastern Time Zone (US and Canada), EST. GMT-5
Day light saving Yes

Area Codes