Location Details

Metro Area Seaford, DE

Cities 24 Counties 1 Zip Codes 23



Census 2010: 206,355
Estimated: 230,799
Growth: 10.59%
White 166,059 72.42%
Black 29,767 12.98%
Hispanic 17,846 7.78%
Other 9,669 4.22%
Indian 2,947 1.29%
Asian 2,660 1.16%
Hawaiian 357 0.16%

Gender and Age

Females 105,711 51.23%
Males 100,644 48.77%

Median age 44.60
Median age for females 45.66
Median age for males 43.53


Total households 82,952
Persons per household 2.329130
Income per household $38,880.74

Top Data By Cities

View all Cities data

Most Populated

Millsboro DE 28,265
Lewes DE 25,764
Seaford DE 23,999
Milford DE 19,580
Georgetown DE 17,603
Laurel DE 15,838
Rehoboth Beach DE 14,846
Milton DE 11,475
Selbyville DE 10,694
Ocean View DE 9,657

Least Populated

Younger Crowd

Highest Income

Bethany Beach DE $61,699.00
Fenwick Island DE $58,333.00
Rehoboth Beach DE $43,914.00
Harbeson DE $42,283.00
Dagsboro DE $42,220.00
Lewes DE $41,750.00
Ocean View DE $41,396.00
Greenwood DE $41,375.00
Georgetown DE $41,007.00
Millville DE $40,417.00

Lowest Income

Bridgeville DE $31,131.00
Bethel DE $32,500.00
Millsboro DE $34,756.00
Frankford DE $36,000.00
Seaford DE $36,042.00
Milford DE $37,863.00
Selbyville DE $38,082.00
Ellendale DE $38,190.00
Lincoln DE $38,286.00
Delmar DE $38,500.00

Top Data By Zip Codes

View all Zip Codes data

Most Populated

19966 28,265
19958 25,764
19973 23,999
19963 19,580
19947 17,603
19956 15,838
19971 14,846
19968 11,475
19975 10,694
19970 9,657

Least Populated

19931 102
19967 867
19944 1,335
19951 1,814
19941 2,324
19930 4,448
19940 5,781
19950 6,193
19939 6,655
19960 6,750


19967 59%
19944 53%
19930 37%
19970 36%
19958 23%
19975 22%
19968 16%
19971 16%
19966 12%
19945 10%


19931 -106%
19950 -12%
19941 -8%
19947 -6%
19973 0%
19963 1%
19956 2%
19940 3%
19951 4%
19960 6%

Younger Crowd

19947 34.90
19941 36.30
19960 37.00
19956 38.60
19933 39.00
19940 40.00
19973 40.00
19963 41.40
19950 41.60
19945 44.70

Older Crowd

19930 63.90
19944 62.80
19970 58.30
19971 54.70
19958 54.30
19975 51.80
19967 49.60
19939 48.70
19931 48.60
19966 48.40

Highest Income

19930 $61,699.00
19944 $58,333.00
19971 $43,914.00
19951 $42,283.00
19939 $42,220.00
19958 $41,750.00
19970 $41,396.00
19950 $41,375.00
19947 $41,007.00
19967 $40,417.00

Lowest Income

19933 $31,131.00
19931 $32,500.00
19966 $34,756.00
19945 $36,000.00
19973 $36,042.00
19963 $37,863.00
19975 $38,082.00
19941 $38,190.00
19960 $38,286.00
19940 $38,500.00

Time Zone

Time zone(s) Eastern Time Zone (US and Canada), EST. GMT-5
Day light saving Yes

Area Codes