Location Details

Metro Area Erie, PA

Cities 19 Counties 1 Zip Codes 46



Census 2010: 284,140
Estimated: 272,046
Growth: -4.45%
White 256,475 85.49%
Black 23,943 7.98%
Hispanic 9,543 3.18%
Other 4,054 1.35%
Asian 3,997 1.33%
Indian 1,743 0.58%
Hawaiian 256 0.09%

Gender and Age

Females 144,356 50.80%
Males 139,784 49.20%

Median age 24.55
Median age for females 25.30
Median age for males 23.85


Total households 111,837
Persons per household 1.447173
Income per household $21,745.83

Top Data By Cities

View all Cities data

Most Populated

Erie PA 181,307
North East PA 12,741
Corry PA 11,209
Edinboro PA 10,167
Waterford PA 9,118
Fairview PA 8,636
Girard PA 8,503
Union City PA 8,341
Albion PA 4,447
Lake City PA 4,391

Younger Crowd

Older Crowd

Highest Income

Fairview PA $53,152.00
Harborcreek PA $45,862.00
Wattsburg PA $45,772.00
Cranesville PA $44,457.00
Waterford PA $42,710.00
Mc Kean PA $40,902.00
North East PA $40,665.00
West Springfield PA $39,866.00
Girard PA $39,543.00
Edinboro PA $39,181.00

Lowest Income

Lake City PA $31,852.00
Mill Village PA $32,679.00
Erie PA $32,977.27
Corry PA $33,641.00
Albion PA $34,200.00
Union City PA $34,534.00
East Springfield PA $38,542.00
Edinboro PA $39,181.00
Girard PA $39,543.00
West Springfield PA $39,866.00

Top Data By Zip Codes

View all Zip Codes data

Most Populated

16509 27,809
16510 25,726
16506 23,994
16505 17,467
16508 16,165
16504 16,085
16502 16,077
16503 15,528
16428 12,741
16407 11,209

Least Populated

16430 124
16411 1,300
16443 1,404
16410 1,623
16501 1,789
16421 2,317
16442 2,589
16426 3,829
16423 4,391
16401 4,447


16430 100%
16509 3%
16438 3%
16426 2%
16417 2%
16428 2%
16506 1%
16505 1%
16407 0%
16508 0%


16401 -47%
16507 -17%
16410 -14%
16501 -14%
16442 -14%
16411 -13%
16441 -11%
16503 -8%
16421 -8%
16504 -7%

Younger Crowd

16563 19.80
16546 20.40
16507 27.20
16503 29.40
16502 30.90
16412 34.30
16504 34.70
16508 36.90
16423 38.70
16401 38.80

Older Crowd

16501 50.90
16505 46.10
16421 45.50
16415 44.50
16509 44.00
16506 43.30
16426 42.70
16417 42.20
16411 42.00
16511 41.80

Highest Income

16415 $53,152.00
16506 $46,924.00
16421 $45,862.00
16442 $45,772.00
16410 $44,457.00
16441 $42,710.00
16509 $42,251.00
16510 $41,892.00
16505 $40,983.00
16426 $40,902.00

Lowest Income

16501 $9,928.00
16503 $21,809.00
16507 $21,850.00
16502 $26,199.00
16423 $31,852.00
16427 $32,679.00
16407 $33,641.00
16401 $34,200.00
16438 $34,534.00
16508 $35,333.00

Time Zone

Time zone(s) Eastern Time Zone (US and Canada), EST. GMT-5
Day light saving Yes

Area Codes