Location Details

Metro Area Trenton Ewing, NJ

Cities 10 Counties 1 Zip Codes 38



Census 2010: 380,027
Estimated: 368,924
Growth: -3.01%
White 239,474 53.53%
Black 81,022 18.11%
Hispanic 56,060 12.53%
Asian 39,777 8.89%
Other 27,111 6.06%
Indian 3,039 0.68%
Hawaiian 882 0.20%

Gender and Age

Females 192,915 50.76%
Males 187,112 49.24%

Median age 21.39
Median age for females 22.22
Median age for males 20.61


Total households 137,121
Persons per household 1.420526
Income per household $34,753.05

Top Data By Cities

View all Cities data

Most Populated

Least Populated

Highest Income

Princeton Junction NJ $129,375.00
Pennington NJ $92,628.00
Hopewell NJ $90,445.00
Titusville NJ $89,821.00
Princeton NJ $73,563.00
Hightstown NJ $67,655.00
Lawrence Township NJ $66,345.00
Trenton NJ $49,050.83
Windsor NJ $48,611.00

Lowest Income

Windsor NJ $48,611.00
Trenton NJ $49,050.83
Lawrence Township NJ $66,345.00
Hightstown NJ $67,655.00
Princeton NJ $73,563.00
Titusville NJ $89,821.00
Hopewell NJ $90,445.00
Pennington NJ $92,628.00
Princeton Junction NJ $129,375.00

Top Data By Zip Codes

View all Zip Codes data

Most Populated

08540 45,674
08618 34,236
08610 31,163
08648 29,743
08520 28,682
08611 26,648
08638 22,677
08619 21,738
08550 20,183
08690 19,935

Least Populated

08608 1,207
08542 3,435
08560 3,572
08525 4,734
08628 8,582
08620 11,977
08629 12,592
08534 13,151
08609 13,705
08691 15,290


08608 18%
08690 6%
08550 3%
08610 2%
08520 2%
08629 2%
08609 1%
08534 1%
08691 1%
08525 0%


08542 -51%
08620 -22%
08618 -11%
08648 -8%
08628 -5%
08611 -5%
08619 -4%
08540 -3%
08560 -2%
08525 0%

Younger Crowd

08542 24.30
08611 31.30
08618 31.40
08609 32.00
08629 32.10
08620 32.80
08520 37.60
08540 37.80
08648 37.80
08610 38.30

Older Crowd

08560 47.10
08525 45.90
08690 45.40
08628 44.20
08534 43.50
08619 43.20
08550 43.10
08608 41.20
08691 41.10
08638 38.50

Highest Income

08550 $129,375.00
08534 $92,628.00
08540 $90,977.00
08525 $90,445.00
08560 $89,821.00
08691 $74,924.00
08690 $72,920.00
08520 $67,655.00
08628 $66,627.00
08648 $66,345.00

Lowest Income

08608 $17,083.00
08611 $30,960.00
08609 $30,995.00
08618 $36,289.00
08638 $41,721.00
08629 $44,418.00
08561 $48,611.00
08610 $49,710.00
08542 $56,149.00
08619 $57,696.00

Time Zone

Time zone(s) Eastern Time Zone (US and Canada), EST. GMT-5
Day light saving Yes

Area Codes